Women today are choosing to have children later in life than ever before. Egg freezing can enable a woman to delay pregnancy until a later stage.
Who should choose Social Egg Freezing?
- Career and educational plans: Women who wish to pursue advanced degrees or demanding careers may freeze their eggs when they are young to ensure access to healthy eggs later on.
Some companies, even fund egg-freezing for female employees who wish to delay childbirth for professional reasons.
- Personal circumstances: Women who want to have a child with a partner but have not yet found one may freeze their eggs for future use. Women in same-sex relationships may also wish to have a baby further down the line.
As a woman grows older, the quality of her eggs tends to decline.
The eggs may contain more chromosomal abnormalities, and women will no longer ovulate after menopause. This means that her ovaries will cease to release eggs.
If a woman wants a child but is not able or ready to conceive at the present time, a dedicated facility can freeze her eggs for use at a later date.
What is Therapeutic Egg Freezing?
Girls/Women who are suffering from cancer and have to undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy can get their eggs frozen. Over 50000 reproductive age women are diagnosed with cancer each year. As chemotherapy and radiotherapy are toxic for oocytes and in these therapies the ovary can be damaged so egg freezing offers women with cancer to preserve their eggs to utilize them in attempt to have children in the future.
- Cancer: Chemotherapy and othercancer treatments typically interfere with and sometimes end fertility. Reproductive cancers might lead to the removal of a woman’s ovaries.
Egg freezing might help reduce the impact of some cancer treatments on fertility.
- Infections, organ failure, and other health concerns: A wide range of health problems can harm egg quality and fertility, such as endometriosis, a condition that causes uterine tissue to grow outside of the womb.
Freezing eggs offers hope to women who are receiving treatment for a serious illness that may reduce fertility.
As a woman grows older, the quality of her eggs tends to decline.
The eggs may contain more chromosomal abnormalities, and women will no longer ovulate after menopause. This means that her ovaries will cease to release eggs.
If a woman wants a child but is not able or ready to conceive at the present time, a dedicated facility can freeze her eggs for use at a later date.
Steps will be common in both: Social egg freezing & Therapeutic egg freezing.